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Understanding Dog Fights

Z Jun 21, Understanding Conflict 1, comments. I recently arrived home after a long day at work to discover that my two boxers, Gizmo and Gonzo, had gotten into a fight in their kennel. I did not see the actual fight but I did see the horrifying marks left on each of my beloved animals, as they were each covered in small scratches and tears, their matted fur sporadically jutting from their necks note: they have since experienced a full recovery. This was a very disturbing incident for two reasons: first, the dogs had always gotten along before this fight and appeared to be best friends; second, we had kenneled the dogs together since we owned them.

Молодежные субкультуры Москвы / Youth subcultures of Moscow

Coffee and feed sacks that once only served a utilitarian purpose are breathing new life into home decor as everything from pillows to wall art. This is a great way to reuse a burlap sack and to add some vintage charm to your craft room, kitchen, or home office. You will need a cork board, coffee or feed sack, and a stapler. Maya recommends calling your local roastery and asking if they have any coffee sacks to give away. We skipped the hassle of hole-punching altogether and just clipped all the torn-off pages with a colored binder clip. We now use them as a memo stash next to the phone.

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Turn a Coffee Sack into a Graphic Bulletin Board • Crafting a Green World
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